Sunday, October 17, 2010

CoULd iT Be YoU??

close my eyes, i try to hide

i'm listening to my voice inside

why don't you tell me right or wrong??

i need to know where i belong

for all the days i ran away

i never dared to ask me who could i be??

who can bring back the love that's inside me..

could it be you or do i lost my way??

i'm here but colourblind

could it be you or do i break away??

just to leave the past behind

i only wanna feel the sunlight, stop the fight

and see it in your eyes

wish i just knew what i should do

could it be you??

somebody tell me if it's true i don't have a clue

could it be you??

to many things been said and done

sure if you could be the one

to dry the tears i left behind

to chase these demons off my mind

i see your face, touch your skin

is this a fight we both can't win??

sometimes the truth is miles apart

but i's hard to break your heart

baby i don't wanna waste your love

through it's hard to just walk on

well will this search be never ending

where do i belong??

could it be you or do i lst my way??

i'm here but colourblind

could it be you or do i frak away??

just to leave the past behind

i only wanna feel the sunlight, stop the fight

and see it in your eyes

wish i just knew what i should do

could it be you??

somebody tell me if it's true i don't have a clue

could it be you??

maybe it is me whose to blind to see that it's you

for everything i am everything i need lies in you..

sedih x korg puisi di atas tu??..ak rase cam nk nangis jer bile bace..x sangke ak pndai wat la, smalam kn ak boring2, x tau nk wat, ak wat la puisi ni..ok, sbnrnye ak tipu!!!..hahaha..ak mane ade mase la nk tlis2 puisi ni..ak buzy giler tau skrg sbnrnye lirik lagu..klu korg nk dengatr lagu ni cari la kt dlm youtube..
nama penyanyi: cascada
tajuk lagu: could it be you

haa, pe lagi..cari la skrg..ak malas la nk upload video..korg jgn la pakse2 ak..ak ckp ak mlas ak mlas la(ade ker yg pakse ak??cam x de jer..huhuhu)..ok2, ak tau korg da x sbr n kcari lagu ni kt youtube kn??..xpe2, cari la skrg..ak x kisah..(baiknyer cik ira ari ni..)nk chow dulu yer..

p/s: sedih kn lirik lagu ni??..rase cm nk nangis jer..chop2, sila faham ayt ak yer..'rase' cm nk nangis bknnyer ak nangis..mmg x la klu ak nangis sb lagu..nanty klu ak nangis sb dngr lagu ak bgtau korg yer tjuk lagu tu..(mmg tunggu smpai kucing bertnduk la jwbnyer..hohoho)

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