Wednesday, March 28, 2012

OnE MoRe DaY

Again today, you say you're busy
I hear voices of other girls
Tears keep falling and I want to demand and ask but
I'm afraid that separation will come

I don't want to let you go yet, I only have you
Stay one more day, one more day and leave, I ask of you
I don't expect a lot, I don't even care if you lie
For one more day, one more day, love me like before

Even if I want to strongly say it's over and dump you first
I don't know how I became such a good-for-nothing fool like this
I guess it's the sin for loving you more

I don't care if my heart hurts, if only you are next to me
I will love you for one more day, one more day and let you go
I don't want to cry anymore, it's so hard by myself
I will hurt one more day, one more day and forget you

Though I hate you, what do I do?

**Chocolat One More Day English Translation Lyrics**

p/s: takde ape2 symbolic aku letak lagu ni kat dalam blog..sebab suke sangat2 jer..lagu ni sebenarnya lagu korea..kumpulan aku cari english translation..kalau nak tau best ke tak cuba la dengar sendiri..chow!

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