Sunday, May 22, 2011

WhAt dO I dO??

i guess you're not mine..
i guess we're not lovers..
'lets break up now, let's say goodbye'
if you say those words, what do I do??

like someone who doesn't know me
as if nothing ever happened..
if you forget everything, what do I do??

like someone who doesn't know me
as if nothing never happened..
if you erased everything, what do I do??

because of you, I was happy..
because of you, I loved..
I believe that I was the only one you would love forever..

you're a bad boy..
from a girl heart, from a girl eyes..
you make the tears come out..
i had only you..
now, in the end you're leaving me..
you're a bad boy..

i'm a bad girl..
the memories with you, our love
i'm erasing it all now..
my only love, the love that I long for..
there was only you..
but now you're leaving me..
you're a bad boy..

ehem ehem..nak test suare jap..hikhik..untuk makluman, itu adalah lirik lagu sebenarnye..kalau nak suh aku wat ayat camtu mmg hampeh la..takde mase ok..huhu..tapi aku da ubah lirik tu kepada versi pompuan..sebenarnye tjuk lagu tu bad women..kalau nak dengar korang cari la sendiri kat youtube..takde kuase aku nak tolong download kn..hihi..penyanyi dye F.T Island..

ok, nk chow..nak study..sok ade exam..huhu..wish me luck!!

p/s: sempat lagi layan jiwang..kahkah

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